No Transition without Transmission

Integrating offshore wind energy into the existing onshore transmission grid involves multiple steps and stakeholders. We are currently at an early stage of addressing the technical, market and governance requirements of such an infrastructure build out. But the framework we establish, and the decisions made today will influence the future.
With our partners at Iowa State and Clemson University, we are developing designs for an East Coast Offshore Transmission Backbone that can accommodate more than GW of offshore wind. These designs feature landside grid upgrades, multi-terminal HVDC technology, and approaches to connecting with the RTOs.
Recent Scholarship
East Coast Offshore Wind Transmission, 76 GW Analysis
June 22, 2023 Workshop
Multi-terminal HVDC Grid Topology for large Scale Integration of Offshore Wind on the U.S Atlantic Coast
Offshore Wind Transmission in New England
2020 brochure