Completed by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) in 2011, the Wind Technology Testing Center (WTTC) required multiple breakthrough innovations to become the largest wind turbine blade testing facility in the world. Tufts faculty led the structural design of this facility. (Photo credit: Chuck Choi 2011)
Massachusetts Leads the Way

When Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick dedicated the WTTC in 2011, the U.S. wind energy community shared a consensus understanding that the facility’s capacity to test 90 m blades would serve the industry of decades to come.
As testimony to the exponential growth of the global offshore wind industry, by 2020 GE had delivered a 108 m blade to the facility for testing.
Today, discussions are underway at the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to expand the facility’s capacity for blade lengths in excess of 120 m.
Featured Stories
"Testing Tomorrow's Turbines"
This article in Civil Engineering Magazine explains the contributions of Tufts faculty to the WTTC's design. The Tufts student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers is shown here during a 2010 visit to the construction site.
"Turning the Corner with Steel Castings"
The American Institute of Steel Construction recognized Dr. Eric Hines for his structural design of the Wind Technology Testing Center with a Special Achievement Award. Read more about the steel castings that enabled these innovative truss designs.
"Understanding Creativity"
Read about the WTTC's original ground-breaking design and its impact on our collective understanding of engineering creativity. (Photo credit: Chuck Choi 2011)